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Weekend Briefs: Radio’s Stephanie Miller comes out; 90210 gay love interest cast; Eddie McClintock on his pecs!

Happy Saturday all! Just posting a few things before I get back to my weekend.

AN IMPECCABLE MAN: Eddie McClintock, who plays the role of Secret Service agent Peter Lattimer on the Syfy series Warehouse 13, was a Greg In Hollywood Morning Man earlier this month and a series of shirtless photos of him recently appeared on The studly actor weighed in on those pics with this humorous comment: Eddie McClintock Working hard to make sure my “pecs” don’t slip dangerously into “man boobism!” Don’t you just love conscientious TV stars?

OUT ON THE RADIO: Country music star Chely Wright’s coming out a few months ago was deeply moving and very inspiring. So much so that it inspired radio personality Stephanie Miller to come out over the airwaves this week. Miller, the host of her own syndicated radio program, The Stephanie Miller Show, told her listeners on Friday, “I am a gay woman,” and a few moments later added: “I got the gay on me.” Miller and Wright have become such good friends in recent months that Miller introduced her as “my coming out coach” on Friday and Chely said:  “You’re saving lives and changing lives by stepping into your truth and I’m so proud of you.” The 48-year-old Miller said she wanted to be able to speak out more authentically on such issues as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and marriage equality.

FROM HAIR TO 90210: Actor Kyle Riabko, who succeeded Glee’s Jonathan Groff as the male lead in Spring Awakening and then Gavin Creel in Hair, will have a new zip code this fall: Beverly Hills 90210.

Entertainment Weekly reports that Kyle has been cast as the lost interest of one of the show’s male regulars who will come out of the closet this fall.

It’s a safe bet that it will be one of three characters: Liam Court (Matt Lanter), Teddy Montgomery (Trevor Donovan) or Navid Shirazi (Michael Steger). I chatted with all three actors at the CW/CBS/Showtime party in Beverly Hills recently and point-black asked each of them if their character was the one. Nobody’s talking but I’m betting on Teddy!

AND FINALLY … The photo below of NFL quarterbacks Drew Brees and Tom Brady was just too adorable to ignore. Drew, who led the New Orleans Saints to the Super Bowl title earlier this year, was the Feb. 8 Morning Man. Brady was Morning Man way back in May 29, 2009 and has since grown his hair out long (very sexy!) so it may be time for an encore!



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One Remark

  1. Trevor is hot Kyle is quirky these two are going to rule the school!

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