Steve Grand to pay off back taxes by posting exclusive, sexy pics & videos you can see for $10 per month
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
Countervail says:
I can’t help but giggle about this. I guess you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, but the hypocrisy of his former rants is astounding.
Again, maybe if he worked as hard on his music as he does at the gym, people might actually recognize him as a musician.
I guess it’s just easier to be an instagay then work on an art form. This just kills me because of my background and that of friends that devote decades of work to demanding music careers for the life of a pauper, but he can’t hack it trying to push out crap country-pop tunes.
Can he please go away already. Why do you give him any space on your blog? Does he pay you for the exposure?
Greg Hernandez says:
No one pays me for exposure. You don’t have to be insulting just because you don’t like someone. Steve has many fans – including me.
K. Martinez says:
I hope Steve Grand resolves his tax problems. That’s no fun. And there’s nothing wrong with taking care of your body. Hope he’s successful in what he’s trying to accomplish here and meets his goals in what he sets out to do musically as well. I’m a fan as well.
Richard says:
What’s sad about Steve Grand is he’s a bad role model for fans. First he begs for fans to gift him money to support his music, videos, etc., then he fails to pay taxes on that income (which he spins as “back taxes”) and now he desperately wants fans to help pay for his poor choices (tax evasion) by offering up a subscription of risqué (but not X-rated) videos for $10 a month.
Any way you at this it’s bad. He wants to have a career without advisors and be on control, according to words on his own blog. Sadly, a 27-year-old is old enough to know better. If his “fans” keep bailing him out, they won’t be doing him any favors. And once he turns 30, he’ll be another washed up wannabe who’ll likely turn up on a desperate reality show trying to extend his last 15 minutes of “fame.”
Larry says:
This is low key prostitution.
Tim says:
He needs to stay away from Fire Island. I stopped following him on Instagram a long time ago. My heart bleeds for Steve,
John Purves says:
Steve Grand, how about Steve Just Okay? Not a fan of this aging twink pretty boy very minor talent “gay-lebrity.”
James says:
His rise and fall happened very quickly.
Kevin says:
How quickly the [wannabe] mighty have fallen. Cute but dumb.
Rye says:
This is just too funny. What he needs to do now is following in the footsteps of his proudly out gay millennial peers like Tom Daley and Colton Haynes and marry an older wealthy sugar daddy to pay his bills, taxes, and keep him in the lifestyle of the rich and famous.