You can see last night’s City of West Hollywood Rainbow Key Awards ceremony in its entirety!
I joked that I felt like Miss America last night while posing for this picture after the Rainbow Key Awards were presented in West Hollywood. All that was missing was a tiara!
Since 1993, the City of West Hollywood and its Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board have presented Rainbow Key Awards to those who have made outstanding contributions to West Hollywood’s LGBTQ community. These contributions, by an individual or a group, may be in many forms, including the arts, community action, humanitarian action, sports, medicine, armed services, leadership potential, benefit to the global LGBTQ community, or other ways.
It’s one of those things that comes as a big surprise because you can’t apply for it or anything. I guess you just do what you do, follow your passion, live your authentic life, do your best. Sometimes people take notice and, of course, that’s awfully nice.
I was honored last night along with Damian Pelliccione, LaShawn McGhee, Alia Daniels, and Chris Rodriguez, founders of RevryTV, a global streaming network launched in 2016 that focuses on queer content and creators; Monica Trasandes, Director of Spanish Language and Latinx Media & Representation at GLAAD; Jazzmun Crayton, Artist, Activist, Associate Director at APAIT; and Amita Swadhin, Founding Co-Director of Mirror Memoirs, a national storytelling and organizing project uplifting the narratives, healing and leadership of LGBTQI+ Black, Indigenous and of color child sexual abuse survivors in the movement to end rape culture.
Below is video of the ceremony. My award is presented by Renee Sotile and Jason Frazier at the 50:00 mark.
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
Jack M says:
Well deserved. Congratulations, you put in a lot of work on the blog and I love reading it every day. Such a good source and overview of what’s going on in the LBGTQ community as well as other interesting articles about celebrities and events.
Sammie says:
Big, big CONGRATS, Greg! I’ve been a fan and enjoyed your blog for many years. Many success to you in the years to come.