Not that we care, but Donald Trump is apparently evolving on gay marriage – is still ‘traditional’ though
Donald Trump. Yuck, right?
Well, I’m going to post this item anyway and prepare myself for the onslaught of “don’t give him any space” comments!
The guy owns the Miss Universe pageant that just took place in Russia and was asked about gay marriage so I am deeming him newsworthy today.
‘I think I’m evolving, and I think I’m a very fair person, but I have been for traditional marriage,’ the three-times traditionally married Trump said.
Then, he added: ‘I am for a marriage between a man and a woman.’
Note that the photo I posted of Trump is of him with a married gay couple: Miss Universe co-host Thomas Roberts and his husband Patrick Abner. Steven Tyler is also in the pic, not sure why.
Maybe The Donald is deluded enough to think he’s going to run for President as a Republican again. Because, you know, you can’t be a Republican and be for gay marriage apparently – it is just not a possibility.
In regards to Miss Universe being held in Moscow, Trump was asked by Roberts about holding the pageant in a country where they have passed an anti-gay propaganda law.
‘Perhaps we should have known and we didn’t, and after we signed it became quite clear,’ Trump told Roberts. ‘We have a lot of gay people who work at Miss Universe, and we said, “What do you think?” And they said, “We want to go. We want to show our stuff.”
So there it is.
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
Yekimi says:
Steven Tyler is looking pretty rough. Maybe Donald thought he was an old lesbian.
FAEN says:
I expect nothing less than hypocrisy from Donald ‘Im a birther’ Trump but I expected more from Thomas Roberts. Going to anti gay Russia didn’t accomplish a thing. And I assume Thomas was paid to host the Ms Universe pagent? Poor form to take a cent from Trump or any entity connected to him.
Larry says:
I really feel disappointed in Thomas Roberts. He should have never taken the job. Donald the birther racist anti immigrant Trump is still a bigoted s.o.b. nothing new