It’s Greg in Hollywood’s 14th anniversary!
Sorry for the erratic posting schedule over the past week. Your faithful blogger has been on a Star Trek Cruise aboard the Royal Carribean which has included stops in Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas.
But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to make at least a little bit of a fuss over the fact that my blog, Greg in Hollywood, was launched 14 years ago today!
A lot of life has happened since then – highs and lows and everything in between. Through ups and downs, a pandemic, personal losses etc, this blog has been a source of creativity and relaxation for me and while I don’t know if I’ll keep it up forever, I can publicly commit to one more year at the very least!
I had been a newspaper reporter for more than 15 years when I created the Out in Hollywood blog for the LA Daily News in 2006. I became addicted to blogging and did not want to stop after being a casualty of mass layoffs at that paper at the end of February in 2009. So Greg In Hollywood was born a week later and I’ve managed to juggle it with my jobs at Gay Star News (2011-17), the Los Angeles LGBT Center (2017-2022) and now USC.
It’s nice to be occasionally recognized for my efforts including last June when the City of West Hollywood and its Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board presented me with one of its Rainbow Key Awards for those who have made outstanding contributions to West Hollywood’s LGBTQ community.
Thanks for 14 years – and counting!
Previous posts: Here is MetroSource “People We Love” article on Greg in Hollywood and Greg In Hollywood’s 5th Anniversary Party and From layoff to kick-off in seven days
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
Shannon says:
Thanks to you Greg. I’ve been a loyal visitor and fan since almost the beginning. Your efforts are truly appreciated. Keep up the great work!
Victor says:
Happy 14th Anniversary Greg!!
Thank you for entertaining and educating us!!
Continued success in the column and in your profession.
Ian says:
Congratulations! I’ve been following GreginHollywood for I don’t know how long and check in practically every day. I wish you many more years of happiness and success.
Tommy Marx says:
With all that you’ve gone through in the last few years, I’m just happy you keep posting. I especially enjoy your morning links posts; sometimes you report stories I’ve already seen, but I don’t think there’s been a day when I haven’t clicked on at least one link to read more. I also like when you allow yourself to share more personal stories; I know people have to walk a fine line when it comes to what they share online, but it’s nice to learn more about who you are, who has influenced you, and especially the people that have changed your life and have left lasting impressions on you. I used to have my own blog, and I believe at some point you actually had my site listed in your “Greg reads it” list, although time blurs so much, so I can’t swear to that, LOL. But I will say, at a certain point, I probably had links to a couple dozen gay blogs that I followed daily. Now there are two I follow (and check in on at least twice a day if not more) – Joe My God and yours. And I even stopped visiting Joe My God for a period of time when I felt like the negative posts were too overwhelming. But I’ve always enjoyed your blog. You’re not afraid to call something out or get emotional, but by and large your posts usually leave me smiling, whether they be collections of Tab Hunter photos or YouTube videos featuring 27 versions of a Broadway classic. Your posts are rarely commented on, but if I’m any indication they are greatly appreciated. Sending you all my love for 14 years (I’m pretty sure I was there for at least 10 of them, but again, memories mislead), and I hope you keep posting as long as it makes you happy, because I know it makes me happy. Never met you but I think of you as a friend. Much love.
Greg Hernandez says:
Thank you so much – so thoughtful.