Golden Girls Tuesday: Betty White is a sweet old bitch in this behind-the-scenes look at
The goodies just keep coming from our Golden Girl Betty White, the 88-year-old superstar. This is a funny behind-the-scenes look at California-based clothing company Jerry Leigh working on an upcoming line of t-shirts and hoodies that will be branded with the Emmy winner’s famous mug. Because Betty is such an animal lover, a portion of each sale benefits the Morris Animal Foundation.
Some of the lines they have Betty saying as she visits workers at the factory are a scream: “If I ask you to sew, you say, ‘How fast?’ If I ask you you to iron, you say, ‘How hard?’
Then later, she passes a young delivery dude who she thinks is checking her out her boobs: “It better be my face you’re looking at buster, not these golden girls!”
BONUS VIDEOS: Let’s relive some more vintage Betty with the Snickers commercial from the Super Bowl and the time on Craig Ferguson’s show when she called Sarah Palin “one crazy bitch” and Barack Obama “one hot hunk of man.”
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Patrick says:
Brilliant! Betty White is so funny in that viral ad. It’s also a neat pick for Betty, because her hoodies have built-in headphones.