Blogoversary! Greg in Hollywood turns 13!
My blog is officially a teenager!
It was 13 years ago today that Greg In Hollywood was launched. Somehow, it is still going strong.
Greg In Hollywood has been my reliable companion through the pandemic as well as all other ups and downs. It’s been a constant in my life and I’m grateful to all who continue to read it each day!
I had been a newspaper reporter for more than 15 years when I created the Out in Hollywood blog for the LA Daily News in 2006. I became addicted to blogging and did not want to stop after being a casualty of mass layoffs at that paper at the end of February in 2009. So Greg In Hollywood was born a week later and I’ve managed to juggle it with my jobs at Gay Star News (2011-17) and at the Los Angeles LGBT Center (2017-present).
This site helps me to express my tastes and thoughts as a gay man, to celebrate the LGBTQ community and our allies, and to write about tennis whenever I darn well please. A year ago, I announced I was going to take at least a month off from the blog. I lasted far less than that because I immediately missed it after about a week of reflecting. No more breaks!
On this anniversary, I want to give a shout out to some of my favorite fellow independent LGBT bloggers who are out there still doing their thing after all these years and who I hold in high regard: Kenneth in the 212, Boy Culture, Towleroad, and The Randy Report.
I consider what we do to be a wonderful contribution to our culture!
The world is in a difficult place with Ukraine being invaded and the pandemic still around but I hope some of what you see here each day takes you away for at least a little while.
Thanks for 13 years – and counting!
Previous posts: Here is MetroSource “People We Love” article on Greg in Hollywood and Greg In Hollywood’s 5th Anniversary Party and From layoff to kick-off in seven days
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
rick gould says:
Congratulations, Greg!
I love starting off my day here in Michigan with your blog.
Cheers, and many more,
Michael says:
Thanks for all you do and the time you spend on this. I read it each and every day! Hugs from a Houston!!
Tommy Marx says:
Congratulations! I was one of many, I’m sure, who were glad your month off wasn’t a month.
Jack M says:
Congratulations!!! I rarely comment, but read your blog every day and love your mix of subject matter. It’s my one stop place for interesting articles and I learn so much about what’s going on, past and present. A good source of nostalgia and current events. You obviously put a lot of time/work into the blog and it’s really appreciated. Keep posting and I’ll keep reading.
Joe in Chicago says:
Congratulations, Greg! Happy 13th Anniversary! <3
It’s a magnificent obsession, Greg, and I truly appreciate the window on American culture, cut off as we are out here in deepest, darkest Africa. Love from Vernon in Johannesburg. C’mon readers, let’s all give Greg a heads-up today!!! Y’all!!!
Richard Clingaman says:
Thank you, Greg, for “13 years and counting”!!! I started reading your blog soon after it began, before there was anything called a “blog”. I appreciate your gift to us every day which has widened our gay world to include so many more types of people than before. Richard in Tucson, AZ
Jack says:
Happy Blogaversary, Greg! I have enjoyed reading your blog for several years. Keep up the good work!
David Hollingsworth says:
Happy 13th Anniversary, Greg! Your blog is definitely one of my go-tos for LGBTQ content and news! Here’s to 13 and more years!
Greg Hernandez says:
Thank you David!!!
Greg Hernandez says:
Thanks so much Jack!!!
Greg Hernandez says:
Thank you Richard! Means a lot
Greg Hernandez says:
Thank you Vernon!!!! Wonderful to know.
Greg Hernandez says:
Thank you Joe!!!!!!
Greg Hernandez says:
Thank you jack, that is so kind.