ATWT: Luke avoids having sex with his female kidnapper then he and Noah are saved!
For a minute there, I thought my poor Luke Snyder was going to have to have sex with Zoey in order to save Noah’s life! I dunno, I think he may have had some performance issues seeing as 1) he’s gay 2) his male lover is right next to them, shot and bleeding to death and 3) Zoey’s a skank.
I must say, this whole kidnapping plotline has been absolutely delicious and Zac and Zoey were really fun characters. I just don’t see how they are kept on since they are EVIL and PSYCHOTIC. But in soap opera land, ya never know.
Anyway, today’s clip will show the rescue and its aftermath. I do have one last observation: does anyone else think that Margo is the biggest idiot police detective ever?
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
Insideguy says:
Forgetah abowt it. Margot couldn’t make the safety patrol at my grammar school let alone solve a crime. The only good thing Margot ever did was give birth to Butters (aka Casey)