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Snapped! Another side of Anderson Cooper …

Lilly likes to whisper things to me. Photo by Benjamin

A post shared by andersoncooper (@andersoncooper) on

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9 Remarks

  1. I’m sure some would disagree but dogs are the best.

  2. Not me, Faen. I’ll take dogs over people every day. Do you have a dog? I have a miniature pinscher. My Mom got a dog one month after I was born, so I grew up with that dog….and we always had dogs after that.

    This picture of Anderson is very sweet. Lilly is whispering that she loves you.

  3. May 8th, 2017 at 3:01 pm
    K. Martinez says:

    @FAEN – Well I certainly agree. Dogs ARE the best! There’s nothing like the love and companionship of a dog. I lost my dog of 14 years last summer. I still miss him something fierce.

  4. @ Joe-I had a gorgeous, kind loving girl but I lost her almost 2 years ago. I miss her terribly.

  5. @ K Martinez- I feel your pain. Lost my 14 year old as well. I have never cried so hard or felt such pain in my life. Ever.

  6. @Joe-growing up with dogs really enriches you don’t you think?

  7. My condolences to both of you, Faen, and K. The problem with dogs is that they don’t live long enough. I agree that growing up with dogs certainly enriched my life. It breaks my heart when I see animals being mistreated. That dog my Mom got a month after I was born lived to be 18 1/2. Having her put to sleep when she was my best friend for the first years of my life truly was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life….but then there were more dogs and more saying goodbyes….it tears you up badly. My best to both of you, as always. *hugs*

  8. @ Joe , K Martinez-You speak the truth, dogs don’t live long enough. I also grew up with dogs and I thank the universe every day that I was. At some point my love will overcome my pain and I’ll probably get another rescue. I will enjoy and cherish every moment.

    HUGS to you both.

  9. May 11th, 2017 at 3:04 pm
    Robin Dutcher says:

    I agree with you Joe–DOGS ARE better than people!!!!!

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