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Neil Patrick Harris throws surprise 35th birthday party in NYC for David Burtka; Kelly Ripa among guests!

These photos of David Burtka’s surprise 35th birthday party, thrown by boyfriend Neil Patrick Harris, are so wonderful. They were among the dozens tagged on Facebook.

Neil tweeted about the event:

Neil Patrick Harris | Hollywoodland Following

Pulled off David’s surprise 35th Birthday party last night. Masterfully, if I do say so myself. Great, great good times. He was gobsmacked.  about 17 hours ago



(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)

73 Remarks

  1. This we have waited a long time and see – finally:) They are so sexy.

    * in the first picture David look so happy & surprised. And Neil looks so proud that he was able to keep the surprise party without David found out about it.

    * the second picture is just hot hot hot

    They look happy in all of the picture. A big Thanks to David & Neil who let us see those wonderful pictures of them.

    I have no words of how happy it makes me to see this

  2. Neil & David are so adorable. I’m still in shock of seeing these beautiful pictures of the two sweetest couple in hollywood – and I cant take my eyes of them. They both look so genium happy:)I`m so proud of them. And they are really good role models for all couple.

    I had never imagined we would see a picture of them kissing – a really passionate kiss – thats cute, sweet, sexy, hot all at the same time.

    Happy birthday David. And well done at the job Neil:)

  3. Omg!!! ABout freaking time we catch them smoochin! Congrats david on Your bday!
    You are absolutely right you are a lucky lucky man!

  4. Happiness is a warm surprise and a hot kiss [but who is Kelly Ripa and what is she doing at a gay-male-celebration?] The date of this?

  5. swohio27: Google Kelly Ripa if you don’t know who she is. ;) She’s kinda well known. :P And, she’s a friend of David and Neil. As you can see in some of the pics, there are other woman there, too. It’s a birthday party. Why wouldn’t there be girls there? :P Gay guys do have female friends and family like everyone else, you know. ;) Oh, and I do agree: hot kiss. So awesome that they were finally caught kissing. haha. <3

  6. Huge thanks for posting these photos. It’s made my day in so many ways. Every one of them is amazing, though one is particularly amazing. ;)

    @swohio27 It’s from yesterday! Kelly Ripa is the co-host of the talk show ‘Live with Regis and Kelly’ and a good friend of Neil and David. Also just because Neil and David are gay doesn’t make the birthday party a gay-male celebration. They have a diverse array of friends just like everybody else.

  7. I believe that Neil would say that he is a very, very lucky man too. In fact, he already has. I have to admit, it is the picture I have been waiting for. They, especially Neil, are brave, and proud, to allow a picture of them kissing out there for the world to see. I am very proud of both of them. To think a few years back David would go in separate doors at award shows-now look at them. Getting emotional now-I love them both
    Here’s to a lifetime of happiness to David and Neil!

  8. @Emma Actually, the party was on the 28th.

    BTW, is anyone else super-annoyed over the fact that the smilies don’t end up where you write them? lol.

  9. May 30th, 2010 at 9:49 am
    Mary Gibson says:

    Mr. Harris and Mr. Burtka have been outstanding in their willingness to show the world what a gay couple looks like!! As the years go by, they have opened up more and more about their life together and their feelings for each other. The second picture is, I think, a natural progression for them to show everyone their love and I thank them for letting us see it. Happy Belated Birthday, David and well done, Neil.
    May you always be as happy as you are this day!

  10. May 31st, 2010 at 6:41 pm
    Anne Berit says:

    They are adorable. They are the lovely:) This is beyond ords, so cute are they

  11. That is some fantastic photos. Awwwwww so amazing and beautiful:)
    They are some stand up guys. Neil is looking so proud in the first picture. And the expression on David’s face is so Adorable. It is not difficult to see that he was really surprised.

    Hope they marry soon because they seam so happy and they hae been together forever………

    Kelly is a close friend of both of them, they have been on vacation with her in hers other house. They are often out together when David & Neil are in NY.

    Where did the last picture of Neil disappeared ,where he smiles from ear to ear….

  12. Hey guys, where are those kids already? Get going…Nice to see one of my favorite couples so geninuinely happy. Great role models, and I wish them only the best in th future. Their’s is for life.

  13. They are truly an adorable couple! But what’s with those foil pans on the buffet table?? That’s a big gay no-no!

  14. Sexy couple! Hope those guys stay in love as long as I and my partner have. I gave him a surprize 40th birthday party way back in ’84! Now we have been together 32 years! I still love ya babe!

  15. I wish them the best and Love forever. Absolutely wonderful.

  16. Aww they’re so cute together! *melts from the love* I agree with the first comment – David looks so happy, and Neil so proud of himself… Gorgeous.

    I love the look on David’s face, I hope I’m that happy when I turn 35! (I’m 24 next week and feeling old lol)

  17. Kelly Ripa is a female gay man. She talks about her love of NPH all the time on her show. She said her six-year-old son calls Neil and David his “magical” friends after spending a weekend with them in the Hamptons where they took the Consuelos kids to a trapeze place and taught them magic tricks.

    FYI: Kelly also spent a chunk of time on her show recently talking about the important work of the Point Foundation and showing pictures of her and friend Andy Cohen (Bravo TV) co-hosting a fundraiser for them. She also showed pictures of her hot husband Mark Consuelos leading the night’s auction with Andy.

  18. OK, this might sound shallow but does anyone know what restaurant this is? Curious, since David is also a caterer and would be all about the food.

  19. I love NPH. I think the affection and love between them is inspiring and (one hopes) lasting! Happy b-day, David! Here’s to many years of marital bliss! sniff sniff

  20. They make a handsome couple who seem so happy. Kelly Ripa is a doll and a FOG (friend of the gays). Everyone should be this happy with their better half, dotcha think?

  21. this picture are ridiculously cute. Oh my god how handsom are they. They looks like they recently was falling im love with each other and not as a couple who have been together for over six years – and that is just so incredibly wonderful to see:) And in the first picture Neil are thinking ” I did good” and Davids facial expression is indescribable adorable.

    It was one passionate kiss, and it does not look like they are aware of the camera, just for a moment of joy, where they only have eyes for each other. So sexy & hot

  22. This is the best photos I have seen of them:) So sweet, cute,adorable, hot and sexy at the same time. I am totally speechless and I can not stop at looking at them.

    Every single one of these picture are fantastic, and we can see David as a kid in the background – adorable and David looks like a little boy, cheering at his birthday cake:)

    They look so relaxed when they are in safe surroundings with out papparazzi and photographers all over the place. Just them and there friends. lovely in every possible way!

  23. The photo in the back of David as a child is so sweet.And the one with the cake :D avid looks like a little boy, cheering at his birthday cake. So so adorable.

    They are just so inspiring and sweet and amazing and I could go on and on for a really long time.

  24. June 2nd, 2010 at 11:57 am
    SteveDenver says:

    Neil Patrick Harris is my favorite celebrity, I always love reading about him and what he’s up to. NEVER a downer or drama! I don’t know much about his boyfriend, but he’s adorable and they look happy together.

  25. @SteveDenver: If you read all the nice thing Neil says of David in interviews, that says it all…..

    I wish that David would peforme more,he is amazing in his own right ( he can act, dance, and he is a very good dancer etc. David deserved more creditt for his own skills

    Neil and David trying too keep there private life as private as possible. David does not give interviews – but I wish we could have give an interview every now and then….It would be interesting to hear his perspective on the thing! David went back to school again to change his profession – he is no a chef and own and runs a catering company in LA – maybe in part to maintain a part to be David in his own right -rather than to always be linked as the Neil`s boyfriend. Neil is very protective above David.

    All these lovely pictures of David and Neil. Awwwwww beautiful.
    Most of all I like that it seems like they always are so supportive to each other.
    They look so in love. <3

  26. Neil and David have always been a cute couple, but that b-day kiss! Damn! It so great to see two guys in love A real couple, so clearly into each other — that’s really hot.

  27. David and Neil are so hot together.

  28. June 2nd, 2010 at 3:32 pm
    hege verene says:

    Happy birthday David! and Surprise parties are not easy, well done Neil!
    Yeah I bet they had such a great time at the party

    These pics is really gorgeous – at so many levels:)

    I like that it seems like both of them have both feet planted well on the ground – it makes me happy

  29. These pics are so sweet and it is really cute that we can see they get more and more comfortable to be more and more open (in the media/public) They are a couple who is a role model for the community – (even if they want it or not.) I always have to awwww when I see photos or read interviews of them ;)

    With these pics, they have given us a glimpse into how they are when they are just Neil & David – and not what there profession represents – love it:)

    I have so much respect for them and the way they represent themselves

  30. June 2nd, 2010 at 5:31 pm
    stein arve says:

    I have the impression that Both D & N is very sensitive and romantic. I like that:)

    Their body language always show affection, and the way they communicate even on the red carpet in the way they looked at each other, the respect,proud,supportive, the way they express there feelings towards etch other etc
    In the second picture:they’re not aware of their surroundings and are just focused on each other, that is just so adorable.

    I wish I was at the party :) ::) :)

    I like that Neil tweet about David on a regular basis – That helps to help break down barriers ( he has almost 530 k followers) ( and every day people are: Is he gay????? Over and over again.

    David I hope we can hear you sing more often , you are one emotional singer and have an amazing voice.

  31. These photos are Hot Hot Hot.

    Happy birthday David, hope you had a nice day:)

  32. They’re Adorable as a couple, two handsome men – perfect for each other.

    I hope Neil talk about the party on Regis & Kelly on the 7.

    It’s lovely to see how happy they look!

  33. June 3rd, 2010 at 5:32 am
    charlotte says:

    Cant stop looking at David Burtka’s b’day party pictures. NPH and him looks so sweet and happy together.

  34. This is so lovely to see!
    David and Neil are perfect for each other. They are so cute together. Good role models – Unlike many other couples.

  35. Oh, so awesome! I love the chemistry between them!

    Such gorgeous photos, and I can not express how happy it make me to see this! You guys are awesome, Big thanks for sharing with us!

  36. I have so much respect for them. I like the way they represented themselves ,the way the behave, they stand tall, comfortably without being someone hiding in the shadows.:)

    And after over six years together they still look head over heels for each other – that is refreshing to see – That`s sexy…..

    Wish you many good years together

  37. I`m happy that N & D don`t have a Scandalous relationship, where there is drama every other week, and publicity of all the drama in the media.It’s almost only positive things in the media about them, that I like!
    I also like that they practice & believe in monogamy.
    They seemingly happy and well-balanced couple!

    Go Neil Go David

  38. Love the photos, they was sweet, adorable & hot. David looked so surprised & Neil looked very proud of himsef. You are equally lucky who have each other in life.

    These two changes peoples mind everyday, so people became more tolerant.

  39. @siren: agree

    Awwwwww They are so cuuuute:) This made my day:)

  40. Love looks like love on a human face.
    David is seriously good looking. Neil you’re a lucky guy who has David to go home to every night!

  41. Neil have said:” I’m his forever protector, and I’m happiest when he’s happy”. It is beautifully said. And it looks like they made each other equaly happy.

    David and Neil are perfect for each other! They always look so happy when they are together.

  42. David is seriously good looking.:) Neil you’re a lucky guy who has David to go home to every night!!!

    Adorable photos of them – what a kiss!!!

  43. Greg: could you put up the rest of the pictures you have from that night.
    I can not stop too look at these delicious pictures of them. I just Love love love neil and david.

  44. Wonderfull photos, Love David`s face in the first one.
    David is so sexy, and what a kiss ……David can kiss me whenever he wants:)

  45. This is the first big public kiss I have seen of Neil and David!
    It seems like half of Hollywood couple have broke up recently so it is so nice to see two guys so happy in love, and they seems stronger than ever. They are so sweet and it’s so refreshing to see them just be themself – happy in love!

  46. It so great to see two guys in love, so clearly into each other -that’s really hot.

  47. I think all of the picture of them at the party is so sweet, they look so relax and happy and in love. In the first one Neil look so proud and the expression on David’s face is so Adorable. You could see he was he was really surprised.

  48. I would just say that I love them together. These photos warms my heart:)::)

  49. How cool is it that david will have a small role (ensamble) in the production of Rent (who Neil are directing) at Holywood Bowl. I just love it, they are alway so sweet. wish I lived near LA so I could see it! I hope they will film it – I would buy the video in second…….

  50. This is some fantastic photos of them!

    Love N and D:)

  51. I`m so Impressed of David and Neil. They are good role models. Best of all is that they always seem so in love, like these lovely photos reflect!!

  52. These two are completely adorable. it’s love, pure love .

  53. June 4th, 2010 at 8:01 pm
    christian says:

    Neil and David has a part in redefining what it means to be a successful,committed gay couple out in Hollywood – And I love these picture who showing the normalcy of two happy people who love each other – Neil and David are doing a fantastic job when it comes to gay visibility………

    Every time we see pictures of them together – we can see the chemistry between them. So happy for them!

  54. OMG so cute! Waited a long time for a picture such as this. Didn’t disappoint either. Out and proud. I love them for it. They are so in love :)

  55. I’ve had a crappy day, so I had to scroll back to see these wonderful pictures – and the day became immediately better !!!!
    Love to see them so happy: Congratulations boys

  56. June 5th, 2010 at 5:14 pm
    Audrienna says:

    I am so impressed with them and the way they handle their relationship.It can not be easy in the world they live in! It’s hard enough to get a long term relationship work without be in the spotlight all the time, and that they do that, just live there lives without shame, stand tall and show us that true love exists – give me hope…:)

    I think they will never understand how much it means that they show the world that love is the same – regardless of gender. I think they are pioneering when it come to this – they increase the understanding of people who oppose gay rights – every day. Thank you for being willing to share some of it with us! And that they are willing to talk about it: Keep up the good work.
    Love you both. Indescribable beautiful pictures of you

  57. After reading the article on the front page today, I had to come back to give my comment: I live in a country where we have equal rights – also the word marriage. I have since 2008 tried to learn how the politics works in the U.S ,and for me U.S. is the country with a double morality in so many ways – I do not understand what people are afraid of and how much homofobia it`s around. ( What have Religious believes anything to do with love???)

    Sometimes I think some people think that the love they share is “less” because they are gay.
    Therefore it is essential that Neil and David are willing and have the courage to do it- is so importendt – to stand up, showing that their love is as strong,normal,sensetive, important, emotional, romantic, the affection they share as any other stright couple. They show that they are so love with each other – and that people need to see.

    they make the way easier for gay people who come after them….

    I love them together .And this is the most beautiful pictures of them -from the life they share together :)
    They are a lovely couple and I cheer for you:)

  58. Greg:
    Is it possible to put up some more pictures from the party or point us in the right direction to find them ourselves?
    Thank you for these pictures, they are beautiful and speak volumes!

  59. I can not stop and look at these amazing photos, of two happy people so totally in love with each other.

  60. Great, great pics. Any idea where this party was held?

  61. Can you try to get an interview with David – I know that he does not usually give interviews – but you can ask. Because we know little about him and I think he has an interesting story to tell….:)

    It would be nice and to hear his story – his ” coming out” process, and he was in a 10-year relationship before he met Neil ( from he was very very young)(but not about his twins – that is out of line – too private – since he and neil do everything they can to keep them out of the spotlight). How he handles too be a part of a power couple.If it was hard to be together before Neil was officially out, The fact that he renewed himself and headed back too school again and changed profession. How it was to start a new business. Will he occasionally still peforme? etc

    They are a georgios couple – how did they manage to keep their love alive – in the busy everyday life they have.

  62. Now I waiting on Regis & Kelly, Because I hear that Neil talked about David’s surprise party for nearly nine minutes – I look forward to hearing more of the story behind thise super beautiful photos of the happy couple.
    I still have a hard time too understand why they are willing to put themselves out there and show us the love between them. Thank you Neil and David, you guys are so kind too us, and thank you that you are willing to put your self out there and share
    this with us. I’m so happy for everything you do for us all!

    You do an important job for so many people- for those who are struggling to accept their own sexuality and for those people who do not understand or accept that Love is love.
    many hugs to both of you:)

  63. Wow that was an amazing interview. It was so great too have the story behind these amazing pictures. It’s tough done – too talk about, in a so natural way in the middle of the day talk show – in the mainstream. I can not count how many times David was mentioned etc…. It was just funny and fantastic – love it and love David and Neil together! You guys rock:)

  64. I just loved loved it , it was a great show. And you could see body language too Neil that he was still so proud that he managed too pull it off.He could not sit still on his chair. And David had know idea what he was in for.

  65. This made me awwww so loud when I saw it. I love them so much! And on top of everything, we got this wonderful interview where he talked about store behind the pictures and David!
    Seriously! RIDICULOUSLY cute

  66. OMG, it’s so HILARIOUS, Neil seemed so excited, he could hardly wait to tell about David and the party.
    I can’t stop laughing at their re-enactment of the big surprise party mystery. And I love Neil’s impressions of David’s reactions and how they convinced him to go!( David you almost missed your surprise party!)

    ” Mark says the great line – ‘no, come… we’ll have a… gannoli’” Neil – ” And that for some reason convinces David!”

    Neil and David are just gorgeous together and the gay community is very lucky that you are willing too put yourself out there….:)
    and you two are the best role models anyone could wish for:) but most of all you are happily in love with each other

  67. June 10th, 2010 at 5:05 am
    CousinHenry says:

    I always thought David was a chef, working for private multi-millionaires. Nonetheless, they are, indeed, so Happy together and definitely Love one another. Has it been 6 yrs. already for them??
    Totally love these guys and how they live their lives out of the closet!! Love to NPH & David!

  68. its so great to see them so happy…..and in the second pic it looks like theyre wearing the same outfit (awwwww) wow yeah really inspiring to see people so happy :)

  69. Does anyone know where on facebook these pictures are?? i wanted to see more of them cos these pictures are absolutely ADORABLE. love them together! cant wait for them to get married :)

  70. I would also appreciate help locating the birthday pictures on Facebook. Thank you to anyone who can help!!

  71. This is so beautiful too see. Simply pure love :)
    I love them together, and one way they choose to live their lives – with no shame what so ever ( they don`t hide in the shadow) They show us who they are and that I like.
    They also show the rest of us who supportive and proud they always are of each other.

    Every good long term relationship takes alot of work and I am proud that they do that. They do not give up every time it becomes difficult ( something all relationship are going true)but many celebrities have a tendency to do that. Therefore I think D&N relationship becomes stronger and stronger!they are good role models for every couple

    An pleace try to get a interview with David. We want to know more about him. And I admire him for the way he behave. There are no kiss and tell from him ( like many other who have a famous bf/gf.

  72. I hope that now when pro8 was declared as unconstitutional! That Neil and David can and will get legaly marry.
    I think in the way they live there life (both in private/ in the public eye)and what it`s mean to be a gay couple They are changing people’s perception of gay people every day.
    They are a very good example of why everyone should have equal rights under the law.

  73. spking 10 10 10

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