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Joan Rivers talks about her big gay fan base

Joan Rivers may be 77, but she’s as busy as ever and currently has TWO weekly television shows on the air: the reality series  Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best on the WE network and the E! show Fashion Police.

Joan talked to Frontiers IN LA about what she’s up to now and about her longtime connection to gay fans:

Q. Joan, you have such a strong fanbase among the gays. What is your take on why that is?

A. Because I think gay men are brighter and smarter and more open, and they always—even in the beginning—got my comedy. I remember the first one to say, “she’s funny.”

Q. You’ve been fairly vocal about the fact that you’ve had a gay following since the very beginning.

A. Oh, absolutely. The first ones in Greenwich Village to laugh at me were the gays. Are there any celebs you consider to be consistently impressive, and even more importantly, any that you consider to be consistently awful?

A. Well, ‘consistently awful’ switches constantly. ‘Consistently impressive’—there are usually a few: Halle Berry will look great, Annette Benning is gonna look amazing, usually Nicole Kidman will look great. In the old days before she let them dress her, Sarah Jessica Parker, but now she’s letting Chanel take over and they are destroying her. They’re putting things that should go on a 6’6” model onto this teeny, tiny lady.

Q. I recently read an interview with you where you said you’d love to be part of a sitcom. Is that still something you’d love to do?

A. Oh yeah. That would be so much fun. I’ve never done a sitcom, except a little bit on Suddenly Susan when I played Kathy Griffin’s mother. And I did a little bit on Nip/Tuck. But I’ve never really gotten up in the morning and been part of an ensemble. I used to look at Doris Roberts and think, how lucky to be a part of something like that.

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