Common Sense from Whoopi Goldberg: “If You’re Not for Gay Marriage, Don’t Marry a Gay Person”
Whoopi Goldberg, the Oscar winning actress who is now the moderator on ABC’s The View, has joined other celebrities in filming a spot for which is targeting New York politicians who voted against same-sex marriage last year.
I like the idea of holding these people – especially the Democrats who did not support the right for same-sex couples to marry – accountable for their vote.
Now they have a target on their backs and if they are voted out of office, they will know why.
(All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.)
George Field says:
“If your not for gay marriage, don’t marry a gay person”. I love it. Great post G!
K. Martinez says:
Great information on the site. I’m not surprised that there wasn’t a single Republican who favored Marriage Equality. All Republicans and 8 Democrats opposed Marriage Equality. The list shows who the 8 Democrats are. That’s good information to work with.
I hope all of those who are thinking of voting against ALL Democrats or sitting out this election because they’re unhappy with Obama’s record on LGBT issues will take more time to research what the individual candididates in their district and state are about and what they voted for and against as well as their record on LGBT rights. Now more than ever, we need to know who those individuals working against us are and vote them out and at the same time vote for those who do support us.
Please don’t sit this one out folks. Research your candidates track record, make sure they represent your best interests and VOTE!
Thanks Greg for keeping track of these issues and sharing the information.