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Alexandra Billings & Don Lemon slam Village People & Carrie Underwood over Trump inauguration

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A post shared by Alexandra Billings (@therealalexandrabillings)

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A post shared by Billy Porter (@theebillyporter)

FILE UNDER: Politics


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One Remark

  1. When Taylor Swift supported Kamala, she was saying she supports women’s right to make their own choices regarding their personal health, she supports equal opportunities for all regardless of gender, race, sexuality, gender identification (or lack thereof), she supports people being given a helping hand when needed and everyone being treated with dignity and respect. Maybe I’m reading too much into her support, but I don’t think so.

    When Carrie Underwood supported Donald, she was saying she supports woman’s health being dictated by law (while men can do whatever they want), she is against diversity and equality and thinks people that aren’t white, rich, male (or married to one), straight, and bigoted against anyone different are the enemy, and must be defeated, she is for even more tax breaks for the incredibly wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor, and she thinks raping felons who brag about grabbing women by the pussy are worth adulating.

    Fuck Carrie Underwood.

    I’ve thrown her CDs away (I had six of them – I guess some hearts don’t count, huh, Carrie?) and I won’t be buying anything even remotely related to her again in my lifetime.

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